It has been a while since I have had time to do something new, let alone blog about it. My lawyering gig keeps me busy 7 days a week, but this weekend I was able to sneak away for a few hours to cross something off of my To Do List.

I’ve wanted to visit a psychic for a while, just to see what it would be like. About a year ago I came across Krista Kaine‘s name when I was researching psychics in the area. She came with rave reviews so I decided to make an appointment. However, due to several factors, I could never connect with her when she had appointments available. This weekend I was aching to do something new and remembered Krista happened to be visiting Nashville for a few days. She was completely booked, but about an hour after I reached out to her and asked to be put on the wait list she had a cancellation for the next day.

I mentioned my pending visit to a friend, and much to my surprise she said that she visited Krista a few months ago to resolve some issues with her deceased mother. My friend had a very emotional experience and said Krista mentioned a few very detailed comments (such as a specific Christmas decoration my friend wanted to keep) that really blew her away.

I haven’t mentioned it on the blog before, but I lost my mother last year, my dad the year before, and a sister a year or so before that. I also lost a brother when I was about 11. I entered the session unconvinced, yet open to possibilities. I really had no expectations at the outset; I was just hoping for a new and unique experience.

The session had two parts, the first where Krista talked to “Spirit” and supposedly gave me messages from my parents, and the second where she talked about my path in life. I won’t get into our hour-long conversation in too much detail because it was very personal. The oddest moment was when she asked me if either my dad or I had a coin collection or whether there was something specific involving large coins or quarters. Krista said my dad was sending a message that I should pick up and hold onto coins I find. During the session I said that it didn’t really ring any bells, but it was poignant for two reasons. One, my dad always spotted coins on the ground for me to pick up when I was little, it was a bit of a game for us. I think he would even lay coins around for me to find. Two, because I have bag tucked away filled with $50 worth of bicentennial quarters, half-dollars, and silver dollars that I have had since I was a teen. My dad would always bring me bicentennial quarters to add to my collection. His message to me, through Krista, was to hold on to the coins.


There was also some funny moments, like Krista saying that my dad said that no guy I’ve ever dated was good enough for me, which sounds pretty typical for him (or any father for that matter). She also told me that my parents’ dog was with them. She commented that she didn’t know where cats go, but dogs seem to always come through, which seemed appropriate since we already know all dogs go to heaven.

I am happy I had the session. I still don’t know if I am a beleiver, but, if nothing else, it was nice to have someone to talk to about my parents and my life. Who doesn’t like to talk about themselves for an hour? After our talk, Krista gave me a copy of her book Standing Between the Worlds, which I am looking forward to reading and learning more about what she does. I definitely got what I bargained for in a new experience and have broadened my horizons . . . which is exactly what this journey is all about.