To kick off my return to blogging I wanted my first post to be about something active. I have been pretty sedentary the past few months and it has made me antsy. To counteract my restlessness, I signed up for my first kickboxing class with Title Boxing Club.

Title Boxing

My friend Lilas (who joined me on my juice cleanse and taught me how to make pumpkin pie) accompanied me so I would not have to go alone. When we got there we were greeted by an adorable white pug named Maui. I firmly believe every business should have a resident dog mascot.

Before we got started, the manager, Kathryn, helped me get ready for class. She wrapped my hands with 15 foot long fabric wraps. The bands hook on your thumbs and go around your hands and between your fingers until the knuckles, hands, and wrists are completely protected. They were surprisingly comfortable, despite looking otherwise. The class started with a 20-minute warm-up, which in itself was a workout. I knew I was going to be sore before I ever hit anything.


We were taught the basic hits: jab, cross, hook, uppercut, and of course some kicking. Finally being able to unleash on the bag was invigorating. All of the tension I had been feeling slowly lifted with each punch. I was exactly the release I both wanted and needed. The class consisted of 8 “rounds” alternating between hitting and active rests. During the rests all I could think about was that I just wanted to get back to hitting, and with each round I hit harder and became more focused.

I am pretty sure Lilas, who is in a lot better shape than I am, did not break a sweat the entire time. I, however, looked like I’d just run a marathon. I could already feel the muscle soreness kick in on the way home. My legs, shoulders, and core ache (but in a good way) and I am sure the rest of the body will join in shortly.

Boxing Lesson

The class left me with an absolute endorphin high; it was utterly blissful. Despite the pain, I can’t wait to go back for my next lesson. But I suppose I wouldn’t be a litigator if I didn’t like sparring.